Parallel Programming
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to parallel programming. By the end of the course students will be able to design and implement working parallel programs in traditional (e.g., Java Threads) and emerging parallel programming models. Moreover, students will master fundamental concepts in parallelism and be able to reason about the correctness, performance, and the construction of parallel programs using different parallel programming paradigms (e.g., task parallelism, data parallelism) and mechanisms (e.g., threads, tasks, locks, communication channels). Finally, the course will examine how parallel programming methodologies can be applied in different algorithmic domains by investigating parallelization of algorithms.
Topics include:
Basic parallel programming concepts
Parallel programming using Java
Synchronization techniques
Case studies of building parallel programs starting from sequential algorithms
Creating a Thread Link to heading
public class Useless extends Thread {
int i;
Useless (int i) {
this.i = i;
public void run() {
System.out.println("Thread says hi" + i);
System.out.println("Thread says bye" + i);
public class M {
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
Thread t = new Useless(i+ 1);
t.start(); //Important: you cannot use --> doesn't create a new Thread
Important: you can only create a Thread, when you use start(). Thread, run method has no return value and no argument
Joining threads: Link to heading
public class Useless extends Thread {
int i;
Useless (int i) {
this.i = i;
public void run() {
System.out.println("Thread says hi" + i);
System.out.println("Thread says bye" + i);
public class M {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Thread[] threads = new Thread[20];
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
Thread t = new Useless(i+ 1);
threads[i] = t;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
try { //need catchblock around join
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//Some catch block
System.out.println("All done.");
With “join”, you wait until every thread is done
Thread states Link to heading
If we want to be able to talk about the effects of different thread operations, we need some notion of thread states. In short, a Java thread typically goes through the following states:
- Non-Existing: Before the thread is created, this is where it is. We don’t know too much about this place, as it’s not actually on our plane of reality, but it’s somewhere out there.
- New: Once the Thread object is created, the thread enters the new state.
- Runnable: Once we call start() on the new thread object, it becomes eligible for execution and the system can start scheduling the thread as it wishes.
- Blocked: When the thread attempts to acquire a lock, it goes into a blocked state until it has obtained the lock, upon which it returns to a runnable state. In addition, calling the join() method will also transfer a thread into a blocked state.
- Waiting: The thread can call wait() to go into a waiting state. It’ll return to a runnable state once another thread calls notify() or notifyAll() and the thread is removed from the waiting queue.
- Terminated: At any point during execution we can use interrupt() to signal the thread to stop its execution. It will then transfer to a terminated state. Note that when the thread is in a runnable state, it needs to check whether its interrupted flag is set itself, it won’t transfer to the terminated state automatically. Of course, exiting the run method is equivalent to entering a terminated state. Once the garbage collector realizes that the thread has been terminated and is no longer reachable, it will garbage collect the thread and return it to a non-existing state, completing the cycle
Data Races: Link to heading
A data race is a specific kind of race condition that is better described as a simultaneous access error, although nobody uses that term. There are two kinds of data races:
- When one thread might read an object field at the same moment that another thread writes the same field.
- When one thread might write an object field at the same moment that another thread also writes the same field.
class C {
private int x = 0;
private int y = 0;
void f() {
x = 1; //line A
y = 1; //line B
void g() {
int a = y; //line C
int b = x; //line D
assert (b >= a);
Code has data races, but it doesn’t occur –> proof by contradiction
Important to remember: Link to heading
Speedup: Link to heading
$S_p := \frac{T_1}{T_P}$
Where $T_1$ is the sequentail time (Time with one processor) and $T_P$ with the time with $P$ processors.
Reasons why program is nevertheless slower: _ Additional overheads caused by inter-thread dependencies, creating threads, communicating between them and memory-hierarchy issues can greatly limit the speedup we gain from adding more processors.
Amdahl: Link to heading
- Fixed workload and upper bound on the speedup achievable when increasing the number of processors at our disposal.
Let $f$ denote the non-parallelizable, serial fraction of the total work done in a program and $P$ the number of processors at our disposal. Then, the following inequality holds:
$S_P <= \frac{1}{f + \frac{1 - f}{P}}$
If $P$ is infinity then:
$S_\infty <= \frac{1}{f}$
How to derive it:
$T = T_s + T_p$ Where as $T$ is the total time, $T_s$ the sequential time and $T_p$ the parallel time. $T_p = \frac{T_s}{p}$ If you have more than one processor you can rewrite the function to:
$T = T_s + \frac{T_p}{p}$
$Sp = \frac{W_{seq} + W_{par}}{W_{seq} + \frac{W_{par}}{p}}$
We know that $W_{seq} + W_{par} = 1$ So we can rewrite the function to:
$\frac{1}{W_{seq} + \frac{W_{par}}{p}} = \frac{1}{f + {\frac{1-f}{p}}}$
Gustafson Link to heading
- We increase the problem size as we improve the resources at our disposal. We consider the time interval to be fixed and look at the problem size.
Let $f$ denote the non-parallelizable, serial fraction of the total work done in the program and $P$ the number of processors at our disposal. Then, we get:
$S_P = f + P(1 -f) = P - f(P - 1)$
Workspan Link to heading
$T_x <= T_\infty + \frac{T_1 - T_\infty} {x}$
In a graph: Link to heading
Work: all jobs summed up Span: Longest critical path
Divide and Conquer with ExecutorService Link to heading
class MaxTask implements Callable {
//Runnable would work as well, but then you don't have a return value, callable does have one
int l;
int h;
int[] arr;
ExecutorService ex;
public MaxTask(ExecutorService ex, int lo, int hi, int[] arr) {
public Integer call() throws Exception {
//Check base case
int size = h - l;
if (size == 1) {
return arr[l];
} //split work
int mid = size / 2;
MaxTask m1 = new MaxTask(ex, l, l + mid, arr);
MaxTask m2 = new MaxTask(ex, l + mid, h, arr);
//Start subtasks
Future<Integer> f1 = ex.submit(m1);
Future<Integer> f2 = ex.submit(m2);
//Combine results
try {
return Math.max(f1.get(), f2.get());
} catch(Exception e) {
return 0;
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] arr = new int[] {15, 7, 9, 8, 4, 22, 42, 13};
ExecutorService ex = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8); //Attention, has to be minimum number of thread which are needed --> otherwise you have an endless loop
MaxTask top = new MaxTask(ex, 0, arr.length, arr);
Future<Integer> max = ex.submit(top);
try {
} catch(Exception e){
To avoid “knowing” how many threads you need, you can use Recursive Task:
class MaxForkJoin extends RecursiveTask<Integer> {
int l;
int h;
int[] arr;
public MaxForkJoin(int lo, int hi, int[] arr) {
public Integer compute() {
//Check base case
int size = h - l;
if (size == 1) {
return arr[l];
} //split work
int mid = size / 2;
MaxForkJoin m1 = new MaxForkJoin(l, l + mid, arr);
MaxForkJoin m2 = new MaxForkJoin(l + mid, h, arr);
//Run subtasks
int max2 = m2.compute();
int max1 = m1.join();
//Combine results
return Math.max(f1.get(), f2.get());
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] arr = new int[] {15, 7, 9, 8, 4, 22, 42, 13};
MaxForkJoin top = new MaxTask(0, arr.length, arr);
ForkJoinPool jfp = new ForkJoinPool();
int res = fjp.invoke(tp);
Note the following similarities: We use the library as follows:
- Instead of extending Thread, we extend RecursiveTask (with return value) or RecursiveAction (without return value)
- Instead of overriding run, we override compute
- Instead of calling start, we call fork
- Instead of a topmost call to run, we create a ForkJoinPool and call invoke
Also, note that in the case of RecursiveTask
, join now returns a result.
Throughput Link to heading
$Throughput \approx \frac{1}{max(computationtime(stages))}$
Latency Link to heading
Time to perform a single computation, including wait time resulting from resource dependencies.
A pipeline is balanced if the latency remains constant over time.
MPI Link to heading
Synchronous, asynchronous, blocking, non-blocking Link to heading
- Synchronous + blocking: try to call somebody until he answers.
- Synchronous + non-blocking: try to call, if the other person does not pick up I do something else.
- Asynchronous + blocking: wait until your crush texts you back.
- Asynchronous + non-blocking: send an E-Mail and continue working until you get a response.
In the actor model, messages are sent in an asynchronous, non-blocking fashion. –> The sender places the message into the buffer of the receiver and continues execution. In contrast, when the sender sends syncrhonous-messages, it blocks until the message has been received.
MPI collects processes into groups, where each group can have multiple colors. A group paired with its color uniquely identifies a communicator. Initially, all processes are collected in the same group and communicator MPI_- COMM_WORLD. Within each communicator, a process is assigned a unique identifier, called the rank.
public void Send(
Object buf, //Ptr to data to be sent
int offset ,
int count, //number of items to be sent
Datatype datatype, //datatype of items
int dest, //destination process id
int tag, //data id tag
) ;
public void Recv(
Object buf,
int offset ,
int count, // Number of items to be received
Datatype datatype, // Datatype of items
int dest, // Source process id
int tag, //Data id tag
) ;
Transactional Memory Link to heading
Definition 3.7.1 (Transactional Memory) Transactional Memory is a programming model whereby loads and stores on a particular thread can be grouped into transactions. The read set and write set of a transaction are the set of addresses read from and written to respectively during the transaction. A data conflict occurs in a transaction if another processor reads or writes a value from the transaction’s write set, or writes to an address in the transaction’s read set. Data conflicts cause the transaction to abort, and all instructions executed since the start of the transaction (and all changes to the write set) to be discarded.
Transactions run in isolation: while a transaction is running, effects from other transactions are not observed. A good analogy is the one of a snapshot: transactional memory works as if transaction takes a snapshot of the global state when it begins and then operates on that snapshot.
Important Code Link to heading
Barrier Link to heading
public class Barrier {
private Semaphore mutex;
private Semaphore barrier1;
private Semaphore barrier2;
private volatile int count = 0;
private final int n;
Barrier(int n) {
mutex = new Semaphore(1);
barrier1 = new Semaphore(0);
barrier2 = new Semaphore(1);
this.count = 0;
this.n = n;
void await() throws InterruptedException {
if (count == n) {
if (count == 0) {
Semaphore Link to heading
public class Semaphore {
private volatile int count;
private Object monitor = new Object();
public Semaphore(int count) {
this.count = count;
public void acquire() throws InterruptedException {
synchronized(monitor) {
while (count <= 0)
public void release() {
synchronized(monitor) {
PetersonLock Link to heading
class PetersonLock{
volatile boolean flag[] = new boolean[2];
// Note: the volatile keyword refers to the reference, not the array contents
// This example may still work in practice
// It is recommended to instead use Java’s AtomicInteger and AtomicIntegerArray
volatile int victim;
public void Acquire(int id) {
flag[id] = true;
victim = id;
while (flag[1-id] && victim == id);
public void Release(int id){
flag[id] = false;
Filterlock Link to heading
int[] level(#threads), int[] victim(#threads)
lock(me) {
for (int i=1; i<n; ++i) {
level[me] = i;
victim[i] = me;
while (exists(k != me): level[k] >= i && victim[i] == m){};
unlock(me) {
level[me] = 0;
Filterlock is not fair
BakeryLock Link to heading
class BakeryLock{
AtomicIntegerArray flag; // there is no AtomicBooleanArray
AtomicIntegerArray label;
final int n;
BakeryLock(int n) {
this.n = n;
flag = new AtomicIntegerArray(n);
label = new AtomicIntegerArray(n);
int MaxLabel() {
int max = label.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i<n; ++i)
max = Math.max(max, label.get(i));
return max;
boolean Conflict(int me) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (i != me && flag.get(i) != 0) {
int diff = label.get(i) - label.get(me);
if (diff < 0 || diff == 0 && i < me)
return true;
return false;
public void Acquire(int me) {
flag.set(me, 1);
label.set(me, MaxLabel() + 1);
public void Release(int me) {
flag.set(me, 0);
TAS Link to heading
boolean TAS(memref s) {
if (mem[s] == 0) {
mem[s] = 1;
return true;
} else {
return false
Init(lock) {
lock = 0;
Acquire(lock) {
while (!TAS(lock)); //wait
Release(lock) {
lock = 0;
CAS Link to heading
int CAS(memref a, int old, int newValue){
oldVal = mem[a];
if (old == oldVal){
mem[a] = newValue
return oldVal;
Init (lock) {
lock = 0;
Acquire (lock) {
while (CAS(lock, 0, 1) != 0); //wait
Release(lock) {
CAS(lock, 1, 0); //ignore result
TASLock Link to heading
public class TASLock implements Lock {
AtomicBoolean state = new AtomicBoolean(false);
public void lock() {
while (state.getAndSet(true)){}
public void unlock() {
TATASLock Link to heading
public class TATASLock implemnts Lock{
AtomicBoolean state = new AtomicBoolean(false);
public void lock() {
do {
while(state.get()) {}
} while (!state.compareAndSet(false, true))