Computer Networks Project

During the Computer Network course, we were challenged to implement a reliable transport protocol. The goal of this task was to successfully send packets from a sender to a receiver and ensure that all packets arrived at the destination correctly and in the correct order.

To achieve this, we had to carefully design and develop a robust protocol that would account for potential issues such as packet loss or packet corruption. We had to ensure that the packets were transmitted efficiently and effectively, while still being able to maintain the integrity of the data being transmitted.

Through this project, we gained a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in developing reliable communication protocols and the importance of addressing potential issues that can arise during transmission. It was a valuable learning experience that provided us with practical knowledge and skills that we can apply in real-world networking scenarios.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>

#include "rlib.h"
#include "buffer.h"

//Helper functions, defined at the bottom of the file

bool isDone(rel_t* r);
bool should_send_packet(rel_t* s);
bool enough_space(rel_t* r, packet_t* pkt);
bool is_ACK(packet_t* packet);
int is_EOF(packet_t* packet);
int MAX(int num1, int num2);
void create_packet(packet_t* packet, int len, int seqno, int ackno, int isData);
void send_packet(packet_t* packet, rel_t* s);
void create_send_ack(rel_t* r);
long currentTimeMillis();

struct reliable_state {
    rel_t* next;			/* Linked list for traversing all connections */
    rel_t** prev;

    conn_t* c;			/* This is the connection object */

    /* Add your own data fields below this */
    buffer_t* send_buffer;
    buffer_t* rec_buffer;

    /* ----------------------------SENDER----------------------------

    we need the following information:
    SND.UNA:            this is the lowest sequence number not acknowledged bytes SND.UNA = max(SND.UNA, ackno)
    SND.NXT:            represents sequence number of the next byte that the sender will send
    MAXWND:         The size of sending window can vary, and it should not exceed a maximum value SND.WND <= SND.MAXWND where SND.WND = SND.NXT - SND.UNA
    TIME_OUT:           If a frme is not acknowledged within a certain time period (timeout) the sender will resend the frame
    -> see PDF page 19*/

    int SND_UNA;
    int SND_NXT;
    int MAXWND;
    int timeout;

    /* ----------------------------RECEIVER----------------------------
    we need the following information:
    RCV.NXT:            represents sequence number of the next byte that the sender will send
    RCV.WND:            The size of sending window can vary, and it should not exceed a maximum value SND.WND <= SND.MAXWND where SND.WND = SND.NXT - SND.UNA

    if (seqno >= RCV.NXT + RCV.WND) {
        Drop frame
    } else {
    Store in the buffer if not already there
    if seqno == RCV.NXT:
        set RCV.NXT to the highest seqno consecutively stored in the buffer + 1
        release data [seqno, RCV.NYT - 1] to application layer
    send back ACK with cumulative ackno = RCV.NXT
    -> see PDF page 25*/

    int RCV_NXT;
    int RCV_WND;

    /* ----------------------------ERROR_FLAGS----------------------------
    We need to keep track of the end of files*/

    int EOF_SENT;
    int EOF_RECV;
    int EOF_ACK_RECV;
    int EOF_seqno;
    int flushing;

}; rel_t* rel_list;

    * Creates a new reliable protocol session, returns NULL on failure, ss is always NULL
    * @param   c       connection
    * @param   ss      const struct sockaddr_storage*, which is always NULL
    * @param   cc      const struct config_common* cc
    * @return  rel_t*  the reliable state
rel_t* rel_create(conn_t* c, const struct sockaddr_storage* ss, const struct config_common* cc) {
    rel_t* r;

    r = xmalloc(sizeof(*r));
    memset(r, 0, sizeof(*r));
    /* You only need to call this in the server, when rel_create gets a * NULL conn_t. */
    if (!c) {
        c = conn_create(r, ss);
        if (!c) {
            return NULL;

    r->c = c;
    /*sets the next field to the current head of the linked list of all reliable protocol sessions */
    r->next = rel_list;
    /*This line sets the prev field of the reliable protocol session r to the memory address of the rel_list pointer.
    This is used to facilitate removing the reliable protocol session from the linked list if it needs to be deleted.*/
    r->prev = &rel_list;
    /*check if not NullNULL*/
    if (rel_list)
        rel_list->prev = &r->next;
    rel_list = r;

    r->send_buffer = xmalloc(sizeof(buffer_t));
    r->send_buffer->head = NULL;
    r->rec_buffer = xmalloc(sizeof(buffer_t));
    r->rec_buffer->head = NULL;

    r->SND_UNA = 1;
    r->SND_NXT = 1;
    r->MAXWND = cc->window;
    r->timeout = cc->timeout;

    r->RCV_NXT = 1;

    return r;

    * destroys the connection
    * @param   r       rel_t *
    * @return void
void rel_destroy(rel_t* r) {
    if (r->next) {
        r->next->prev = r->prev;
    *r->prev = r->next;



* Processes incoming packets for the reliable protocol session
* @param r rel_t*, the reliable state
* @param pkt packet_t*, the incoming packet
* @param n size_t, the size of the incoming packet
* @return void
* @remarks If the packet is corrupted, the function will return without further processing.
void rel_recvpkt(rel_t* r, packet_t* pkt, size_t n) {
    uint16_t len = ntohs(pkt->len);
    uint16_t cksum_old = ntohs(pkt->cksum);
    uint16_t seqno = ntohl(pkt->seqno);

    pkt->cksum = 0;

    // Verify packet checksum and length -> check if corrupted
    if (len != n || cksum_old != ntohs(cksum(pkt, len))) {

    if (is_ACK(pkt) && pkt->ackno == r->EOF_seqno + 1) {
        r->EOF_ACK_RECV = 1;

    if (isDone(r)) {
    // If the packet is an ACK, remove it from the send buffer and update the SND_UNA variable
    if (is_ACK(pkt)) {
        buffer_remove(r->send_buffer, ntohl(pkt->ackno));
        r->SND_UNA = MAX(ntohl(pkt->ackno), r->SND_UNA);
    // If the packet is not an ACK and the sequence number is less than RCV_NXT, send an ACK
    else if (seqno < r->RCV_NXT) {
        if (seqno != 0) {
    // If the packet is not an ACK and the sequence number is within the receive window, buffer and output the packet
    else if (seqno < r->RCV_NXT + r->MAXWND && conn_bufspace(r->c) >= len - 12) {
        if (!buffer_contains(r->rec_buffer, ntohl(pkt->seqno))) {
            buffer_insert(r->rec_buffer, pkt, currentTimeMillis());
* Outputs the received packets in the receive buffer.
* @param r rel_t* the reliable state
* @return void
void rel_output(rel_t* r) {
    buffer_node_t* first_node = buffer_get_first(r->rec_buffer);
    if (!first_node) return;
    packet_t* pkt = &(first_node->packet);
    // Iterate through the receive buffer and output packets
    while (first_node && ntohl(pkt->seqno) == (uint32_t)r->RCV_NXT && enough_space(r, pkt)) {
        if (is_EOF(pkt)) {
            conn_output(r->c, pkt->data, htons(0));
            r->EOF_RECV = 1;
            if (isDone(r)) {
        // If there is enough buffer space, output the packet
        else if (conn_bufspace(r->c) >= ntohs(pkt->len) - 12) {
            r->flushing = 1;
            conn_output(r->c, pkt->data, ntohs(pkt->len) - 12);
            r->flushing = 0;
        first_node = buffer_get_first(r->rec_buffer);
        if (first_node) pkt = &(first_node->packet);

* Reads data from the connection and sends packets until there is no more data to be read or packets to be sent.
* @param s rel_t* representing the reliable state
* @return void
void rel_read(rel_t* s) {
    if ((s->EOF_SENT)) {
    // Keep sending packets while there is data to be read and packets to be sent
    while (should_send_packet(s)) {
        packet_t* packet = (packet_t*)xmalloc(512);
        memset(packet, 0, sizeof(packet_t));
        int read_byte = conn_input(s -> c, packet->data, 500);
        int SND_NXT = s->SND_NXT;

        // If there is no more data to read, break out of the loop
        if (read_byte == 0) {
        // If there was an error while reading, send an EOF packet and mark it as sent
        if (read_byte == -1) {
            s->EOF_SENT = 1;
            s->EOF_seqno = SND_NXT;
            create_packet(packet, 12, SND_NXT, 0, 1);
        else {
            // Otherwise, create a packet with the data read and send it
            create_packet(packet, 12 + read_byte, SND_NXT, 0, 1);

        send_packet(packet, s);
    * rel_timer - Function to handle retransmissions for all active connections
    * @param None
    * @return None
void rel_timer() {
    rel_t* current = rel_list;
    // Iterate through all the connections in the rel_list
    while (current) {
        buffer_node_t* node = buffer_get_first(current->send_buffer);
        // Iterate through all the packets in the send_buffer of the current connection
        while (node) {
            // Check if the time since the last retransmit is greater than or equal to the timeout period
            long cur_time = currentTimeMillis();
            long last_time = node->last_retransmit;
            long timeout = current->timeout;
            if ((cur_time - last_time) >= timeout) {
                // Retransmit the packet and update the last_retransmit time
                conn_sendpkt(current->c, &(node->packet), (size_t)ntohs(node->packet.len));
                node->last_retransmit = cur_time;
            // Move on to the next packet in the buffer
            node = node->next;
        // Move on to the next connection in the rel_list
        current = current->next;


/*helper functins */

    * https//
    * gets the current time
    * @param None
    * @return long
long currentTimeMillis() {
    struct timeval time;
    gettimeofday(&time, NULL);
    int64_t s1 = (int64_t)(time.tv_sec) * 1000;
    int64_t s2 = (time.tv_usec / 1000);
    return s1 + s2;

    * check if everything is send, received, acknoloeged, if yes you can destroy it
    * @param   rel_t *
    * @return  bool
bool isDone(rel_t* r) {
    return (r->EOF_SENT && r->EOF_RECV && r->EOF_ACK_RECV && !r->flushing && buffer_size(r->send_buffer) == 0);

    * function to check if the sender can send a packet
    * @param   rel_t *
    * @return  long
bool should_send_packet(rel_t* s) {
    return (s->SND_NXT - s->SND_UNA < s->MAXWND) && (!(s->EOF_SENT));

    * function to send a packet
    * @param   packet_ t *
    * @param   rel_t *
    * @return  void
void send_packet(packet_t* packet, rel_t* s) {
    buffer_insert(s->send_buffer, packet, currentTimeMillis());
    conn_sendpkt(s->c, packet, (size_t)ntohs(packet->len));

int is_EOF(packet_t* packet) {
    return (ntohs(packet->len) == (uint16_t)12);

void create_packet(packet_t* packet, int len, int seqno, int ackno, int isData) {
    packet->len = htons((uint16_t)len);
    packet->ackno = htonl((uint32_t)ackno);

    if (isData) {
        packet->seqno = htonl((uint32_t)seqno);

    packet->cksum = (uint16_t)0;
    packet->cksum = cksum(packet, len);

bool is_ACK(packet_t* packet) {
    return ntohs(packet->len) == 8;

int MAX(int num1, int num2) {
    return (num1 > num2) ? num1 : num2;

void create_send_ack(rel_t* r) {
    struct ack_packet* ack_pac = xmalloc(sizeof(struct ack_packet));
    create_packet((packet_t*)ack_pac, 8, -1, r->RCV_NXT, 0);
    conn_sendpkt(r->c, (packet_t*)ack_pac, 8);

bool enough_space(rel_t* r, packet_t* pkt) {
    return conn_bufspace(r->c) >= ntohs(pkt->len) - 12;